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((EXCLUSIVE)) Viva La Revolution!

  • One million migrated during the violent years of the revolution between 1910 and 1920 and another one million migrated during the Cristero Rebellion, the war between the Mexican government and the Catholic Church between 1928 and 1934.back to text

((EXCLUSIVE)) Viva La Revolution!

To supporters of the revolution, this religious opposition to their movement looked like a nationwide conspiracy preventing progress. The increasingly harsh measures taken to quell resistance to Church reform prefigured the policies of the Reign of Terror. The plunge into war in the spring of 1792, justified in part to show domestic opponents of the revolution that they could not hope for any support from abroad, allowed the revolutionaries to define the disruptions caused by diehard Catholics as forms of treason. Suspicions that Louis XVI, who had accepted the demand for a declaration of war, and his wife Marie-Antoinette were secretly hoping for a quick French defeat that would allow foreign armies to restore their powers led to their imprisonment and execution.

In 1910, yet another revolution engulfed Mexico that fundamentally altered the societal structure in Mexico. This exhibition focuses on the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910 and, by some definitions, ended in 1920 with Álvaro Obregón's election as the 46th President of Mexico. This exhibition was initially planned to be released in 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic-related closure upended its initial release date. Instead, the exhibition was curated and completed on the eve of the November 10, 2021 conference.

The Mexican Revolution was a long-drawn series of complex social, political, and military conflicts that shook and radically transformed society in unprecedented ways. The revolution resulted in lasting changes in Mexico as it modernized. For the convenience of the visitors, the curator has divided this exhibition into several historical periods. This division is arbitrary, and for simplicity, the beginning of each period is marked by a specific historical event. Below are some of the critical facets of this exhibition. Please scroll down and click on each link below to access more information.

If you love History, the French revolution which lasted 10 years and the centuries that lead to it, are such a fascinating, intriguing, and complex tapestry, you may not even be aware of the questions to ask! I invite you to come and join me to the beginning of a new season of French Truly Salons at SIFF in Seattle starting on July 12th, our 2 day early celebration of Bastille Day.

Far Cry 6 is prepared to go well beyond the bounds of what would be considered normal behaviour, which is utterly in keeping with its theme of fomenting a revolution when the alternative would be enslavement.

But the recent death of the leader installed after that revolution saw Castillo sweep into power on the back of Viviro, a miracle cancer-treating drug derived from spraying genetically modified tobacco with noxious chemicals. Castillo, in the populist manner, won the vote after declaring that Viviro would restore Yara's fortunes after fifty years of isolation from the rest of the world. But the reality is extreme brutality, with anyone who opposes him and the FND, his army, condemned to forced labour in the Viviro fields.

Yara is split into three regions: the tobacco-growing Valle de Oro, Yara's breadbasket and home to the fierce Montero family; swampy Madrugada, where you're tasked with recruiting Maximas Matanzas, an organisation fighting a social media war against Castillo's propaganda, to the Libertad cause; and mountainous El Este, where the grizzled legends of the 1967 revolution are hiding out, and which is also home to La Moral, a Libertad-like group that evolved from Yara's street gangs.

Draco was incredulous. Who was this foolish, impetuous creature standing before him and what had she done with cautious, meticulous, Hermione Granger? She wasn't talking about revolution; she was talking about bloody disaster!

He was the Commander of Voldemort's army. A certain fortitude and lack of sentimentality came with the job, even if he may not have had these traits to begin with. Survival meant acquiring them fast . If Draco wanted her dead, he could do it. He was confident she knew this.

Freedom was infectious. Once it bloomed in one spot, like blood from a wound, it spread outwards; an antidote to apathy and the status quo. The symptoms were euphoria, unspeakable bravery, cooperation and, as is usually the case with social and political revolution, violence.

Trelinski melds the past with the present seamlessly. Though the cast and chorus are costumed in at least symbolically historical wear, the sets they move through are schematic and contemporary in feel. Nevertheless, there is no incongruity between scenes dominated by a Dali-esque guillotine and those where a revolutionary sits in a leather office chair. Somehow it all works because Trelinski is fearless in his quest to explore the limits of expression within this complex score.

It did make me think of the work I have been doing with mobile and embedded software development. Some time ago Sun Microsystems released a marketing video: "Java is Everywhere" =SRLU1bJSLVg from probably the peak of the popularity of Java Micro Edition. One line I remember in particular from this video stuck in my mind: "A Phone? Think again! A platform for multimedia content and the next social revolution!"

I wonder about whether this is just casually tossed around like a sound bite. Could technology really drive a revolution? This may be a moot point as mobile technology has already radically changed many aspects of life particularly in the western world. My question is: "Can mobile and embedded technology be used to fight an oppressive regime and assist a social/political revolution for oppressed LGBT people everywhere?"

Of course, fomenting revolution in the kitchen will just be the start. In 2023 I will not simply whinge or even take little steps toward improving things, which is always doomed to failure: I will demand more of myself and more of others. As Greta said at TEDx Stockholm in 2018: \\u201CEverything needs to change, and it has to start today.\\u201D



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